Site Updates

News Section Added

07 November 12

With the announcement that Elite 4 is going to be made I’ve now added a News section to the site so that we can following along with the latest news, and with luck, the release of Elite: Dangerous.

Kelpie’s Elite Page

08 January 12

With our recent self-appointment as Elite World custodians we’re pleased to announce that the technical infrastructure of Kelpie’s homeworld; a base for all Elite commanders and the ‘Elite Ring’, is now managed by Dream-Ware.

R3 Corporation

23 December 11

Ask any Elite commander and they’ll tell you that the universe was better in the “good ol’ days”. With many organisations falling by the wayside, we here at Dream-Ware are fearing those commanders could well be right. Another to join these illustrious ranks is the R3 Corporation, who it seems vanished some time ago.

There’s not a lot left of the old R3 but we’ve salvaged what we could and have archived them at Attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful, but if you happen to stumble upon them we’d appreciate it if you could put them in touch so the future of the corporation can be secured.

Sirocco Station

19 December 11

We here at Dream-Ware were shocked when it was discovered that Sirocco Station had been abandoned back in ‘02. We couldn’t let this great historical site be lost forever so have decided to resurect it here. Attempts to contact Commander Rollo (Dan Lind) have so far been unsuccessul, but if you are him, or know him, we think it would be great if you could get in touch so we can discuss the future of the station.

Frontier: Elite II MP3’s Added

09 November 09

James M. created MP3 music from the Commodore Amiga version of FE2 and has kindly allowed these to be hosted in our Frontier Music section.

Berihn Ship and Uniform Designs

08 October 06

Dream-Ware has teamed up with Berihn Designs, producers of excellent Elite ship designs along with uniforms for all the major organisations throughout the galaxy.

Timeline for Stardreamer and Dream-Ware

25 March 05

Have you ever wondered when the Stardreamer systems were first implemented? Or when the Dream-Ware Group first became involved in this whole DREAMS business? After some intensive research (a big thanks goes out to Mufossa for his Expanded Timeline) we have been able to put together our own Timeline that shows the development of the Stardreamer system and how Dream-Ware fits in with this.

Alive and well!

30 January 05

After several weeks the site is finally active again. We have also moved to a new host DataFlame.

Here at Dream-Ware we are currently involved in some very sensitive work that could potentially effect the whole Galaxy (or not..) this will mean there are not likey going to be any major updates to the site for the near future. Don’t despair though, we do have plans for new material and as time allows this will be implemented and available for you pleasure.

FFE Journals Added

19 June 04

Here at the Dream-Ware Group we have now made it possible to navigate and search all articles from the FFE ‘Ship Library Archives’. The interface has been designed to emulate the in-game view as close as possible. To this affect we strongly recommend you download and install the Frontier Font v2.0. This section is a WIP and thus far from complete.

The articles can be viewed by Article title, Journal, Author or a mix each. A basic search has been implemented though this isn’t too robust at present.

Once complete you will be able to view the articles in several ways along with a ‘game’ order (month/year) and the search engine should be much more advanced.

07 March 04

As the Dream-Ware site has been designed to comply with the W3C regulations I have now added their logos and links to the foot of every page. You can get more info by visiting the validation page.

Still using IE? Well you wouldn’t be making a bad choice by moving over to the Mozilla browser. As I prefer using Mozilla Firefox I’ve included a link at the foot of all my pages.

Design Layout Fixes/Updates

09 January 04

Almost all of the layout glitches in IE 5.01 & 5.5 have now been fixed. Plus there have been some slight changes to the ‘Game Music’ navigation.

Brand New Site Design

05 January 04

The site redesign is now complete including a brand new banner. The site is now XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant and has been tested in Windows versions of Mozilla 1.5/Firebird 0.7, Opera 7.23, Netscape 6.2/7.1 and IE 5.01/5.5/6.

IE 5.01 & 5.5 do have some minor problems while displaying site. These are just minor glitches with the layout and should not interfere with accessing any of the content. As always it is strongly recommended you upgrade your browser, preferably to using either Mozilla or Opera.

New domain name -

03 June 03

The domain name has been aquired and will be used for all links to the The Dream-Ware Group homepage. Please set all your links to use this URL.

FRAMES removed from Site

23 May 03

Previously the Dream-Ware Group website used FRAMES for the navigation. For compatibility reasons and to bring the site closer to web standards these have to be removed.

Site Moved to New Host

26 April 03

With the new hosting from the site will benefit from many usfeul tools and much more web space.

XHTML Conversion Started

23 April 03

After several weeks of research I have decided to build the Dream-Ware Group website using XHTML and CSS standards. At present everything with the exception of ‘Game Music’ and the main navigation have been converted, and of course all future work on the site will comply to the XHTML standards.

Welcome to Our Newest Member

21 April 03

The Dream-Ware Group would like to welcome Andy Sheppard to the team. He will be involved in developing MySQL and PHP for the site.

03 March 03

A links page has now been added to the site. There have also been some minor layout updates including this page (Site News) and the Seti@home page.

FEU Ring Membership

24 February 03

The Dream-Ware Group becomes an official member of the FEU Ring.

The Dream-Ware Group Goes Live!

15 February 03

A momentous day for The Dream-Ware Group, the website is now live! Only a couple of sections available at present but things should move along at a steady pace.

Mozilla Browser Testing

31 January 03

From here on out I will be checking my site in both Mozilla 1.2.1 and IE6 in the hope of achieving more compatability and in the long term more solid code.

FFE-Music Officially Joins

01 January 03

As one of Mike Cook’s previous projects, FFE-Music now becomes an official subsidary of The Dream-Ware Group and prepares for re-design.

Frontier Font v2.0 Released

21 December 02

Work on the Frontier Font v2.0 is complete and a temporary hosting site is created.

The Dream-Ware Group Take Over

02 November 02

As of Midnight 11-Nov Mike Cook is the official owner of The Dream-Ware Group.

Elite Sister Sites

We're now managing the day-to-day running of a number of other websites, including;